(From Lin MacColl)


You are invited to join me for refreshments, music, and conversation on October 23rd to celebrate my 60th Birthday.  No gifts please. You are encouraged to make a donation to support schools in developing countries.


When: Saturday, Oct. 23rd, 5-9pm

Where: 701 N. 68th St. (West of Greenlake)

           Seattle  98103



Last fall in Kenya, I learned from rural school administrators that many schools are dealing with shortages of water and poor hygiene and sanitation conditions.  The impacts include increased student illness, girls avoid attending school, students spend increasing amounts of time walking to find water, and schools spending limited funds to bring in water.  Water harvesting involves installing gutters on school roofs and building a large cement water reservoir. Water is collected and stored during the rainy seasons. Schools have water for use during the dry seasons.


Checks can be made out to University Baptist Church.  For this fundraising event, UBC will match up to a total of $3,000.  Funds will be sent to NGOs that assist schools with these projects.